Publications of PD Dr. Jörg A. Walter
Achim Lauruschkat, Bert Arnrich, Alexander Albert, Jörg A Walter,
Berthold Amann, Ulrich Rosendahl, Tejas Alexander, Jürgen Ennker.
Diabetes Mellitus as a Risk Factor for Pulmonary Complications
after Coronary Bypass Surgery.
Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery,
135(5):1047-1053, May 2008,
Bert Arnrich, Alexander A Albert, and Jörg A. Walter.
Risikostratifizierung diabetischer Koronarpatienten -
Statistische Methoden zur Adjustierung der
Patienten-Charakteristika im Vergleich.
Clinical Research in Cardiology, 95/1:14-17, 2006.
Achim H Lauruschkat, Bert Arnrich, Alexander A Albert, Jörg A. Walter,
Berthold Amann, Ulrich P Rosendahl, Tejas Alexander, and Jürgen Ennker.
Prevalence and risks of undiagnosed diabetes mellitus in patients
undergoing coronary artery bypass grafting.
Circulation, 112(16):2397-2402, Oct 2005.
Jörg Walter.
H-MDS: a new approach for interactive visualization with multidimensional scaling in the hyperbolic space.
(28 pages, PDF)
Information Systems, Elsevier, 29(4):273-292, 2004.
A. Albert, B. Arnrich, J. Walter, W. Hassanein, U. Rosendahl, P. Gehle,
F. Schön, and J. Ennker.
Hyperkalemic blood versus crystalloid cardioplegia in longer clamping
Asian Cardiovascular & Thoracic Annals, 12(2):115-120, Jun
A. Albert, J. Walter, B. Arnrich, W. Hassanein, U. Rosendahl, and J. Ennker.
On-line variable live-adjusted displays with internal and external risk-adjusted mortalities. a valuable method for benchmarking and early detection of unfavourable trends in cardiac surgery.
(8 pages.)
European Journal of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery, (25):312-319,
B. Arnrich, J. Walter, A. Albert, and J. Ennker.
Herausforderungen und Nutzen eines Datamart-Systems in der Herzchirurgie.
Zeitschrift für Herz-, Thorax- und Gefäßchirurgie,
18(1):13-19, 2004.
A. Albert, J. Walter, B. Arnrich, U. Rosendahl, and J. Ennker.
Förderung von Transparenz und Qualitätskontrolle in der Herzchirurgie, Evaluation eines Systems klinikspezifischer Methoden.
Zeitschrift für Herz-, Thorax- und Gefäßchirurgie,
18(1):7-12, 2004.
Jörg Walter, Amir Mortasawi, Bert Arnrich, Alexander Albert, Inez Frerichs, Ulrich Rosendahl, and Jürgen Ennker.
Creatinine clearance versus serum creatinine as a risk factor in cardiac surgery.
(PDF )
BioMed Central Surgery, 3(4), 2003.
A. Mortasawi, B. Arnrich, U. Rosendahl, A. Albert, E.-M. Delmo-Walter, J. Walter, and J. Ennker.
Ist das Alter eine unabhängige Determinante der Letalität in der Herzchirurgie, wie es im EuroScore behauptet ist?
Zeitschrift für Gerontologie und Geriatrie, 36:63-70,
A. Albert, C. Beller, J. Walter, B. Arnrich, U. Rosendahl, H. Priss, and
J. Ennker.
Preoperative high leukocyte count: a novel risk factor for stroke after cardiac surgery.
Annals of Thoracic Surgery, 75:1550-1557, 2003.
A. Mortasawi, B. Arnrich, J. Walter, I. Florath, U. Rosendahl, A. Albert, and J. Ennker.
Einfluß des Alters auf die postoperativen Komplikationen und Letalität in der Herzchirurgie.
Herz, 28(2):1-9, 2003.
A. Mortasawi, B. Arnrich, U. Rosendahl, I. Frerichs, A. Albert, J. Walter, and J. Ennker.
Is age an independent determinant of mortality in cardiac surgery as suggested by the EuroScore?
Bio Med Central Surgery, 2:8, 2002.
A. Albert, C. Beller, B. Arnrich, J. Walter, U. Rosendahl, A. Hetzel, H. Priss, and J. Ennker.
Is there any impact of stroke of the aortic and-hole cannula on stroke occurence? Clinical evaluation of straight and bent-tip aortic cannulae.
Perfusion, 17:451-456, 2002.
Jörg Walter and Helge Ritter.
Rapid learning with parametrized self-organizing maps.
(23 pages, PDF)
Neurocomputing, 12:131-153, 1996.
Jörg Walter and Klaus Schulten.
Implementation of self-organizing neural networks for visuo-motor control of an industrial robot.
(23 pages, PDF)
IEEE Transactions in Neural Networks, 4(1):86-95, 1993.
Robert U. Ayres and Jörg A. Walter.
The Greenhouse Effect: Damages, Costs and Abatement.
Environmental and Resource Economics, 1:237-270, 1991.
Kluwer Academic Publishers. (33 pages PDF,
>320 citations)
(First paper estimating cost of anthropogenic releasing CO2 per ton, see e.g. here)
Jörg A. Walter.
Data Mining: Methoden integrativer Datenpräsentation.
Cuvillier Verlag, Göttingen, ISBN 3-86537-292-9, 2004
Habilitation, Technische Fakultät, Universität Bielefeld (280
Jörg A. Walter.
Rapid Learning in Robotics. (167 pages, PDF)
Cuvillier Verlag, Göttingen, ISBN 3-89588-728-5. 1996.
Dissertation Universität Bielefeld.
Jörg A. Walter.
Encyclopedia of Data Warehousing and Mining, volume 2, chapter
Hyperbolic Space for Interactive Visualization, pages 575-581.
Idea Group Publishing, 2005.
Jörg Walter and Helge Ritter.
Prerational intelligence: Adaptive Behavior and Intelligent
Systems Without Symbols and Logic, volume 26/2 of Studies in cognitive
systems, chapter Rapid Learning with Parametrized Self-Organizing Maps,
pages 623-637.
Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2000.
A. Albert, J. Walter, U. Rosendahl, T. Schröder, and J. Ennker.
Dokumentationsverfahren in der Herzchirurgie V, chapter
Wissensgewinnung aus Datenbanken mittels interaktivem Data Mining,
pages 69-73.
Steinkopff Darmstadt, 1999.
Enno Littmann, Andrea Meyering, Jörg Walter, Thomas Wengerek, and Helge
Neural networks for robotics.
In K. Schuster, editor, Applications of Neural Networks, pages
79-103. VCH Verlag Weinheim, 1992.
Jörg Walter, Daniel Wessling, Kai Essig, and Helge Ritter.
Interactive hyperbolic image browsing - towards an integrated
multimedia navigator.
In ACM MDM/KDD Multimedia Data Mining and Conf Knowledge
Discovery and Data Mining, Philadelphia, USA, August 2006. .
Bert Arnrich, Alexander Albert, and Jörg A. Walter.
PRISMA: improving risk estimation with parallel logistic regression
In Studies in Classification, Data Analysis, and Knowledge
Organization, pages 87-94. Springer, 2005.
Bert Arnrich, Jörg Walter, Alexander Albert, Jürgen Ennker, and Helge Ritter.
Data Mart based Research in Heart Surgery: Challenges and Benefit.
pages 8-12 (5 pages, PDF 160kB)
In Proceedings of the 11th World Congress on Medical Informatics (IMIA),
San Francisco, USA, 2004.
Bert Arnrich, Jörg Walter, Alexander Albert, and Jürgen Ennker.
On Temporal Validity Analysis of Association Rules.
pages 8-12 (5 pages, PDF 160kB)
In Proceedings of the Int Joint Meeting EuroMISE,
Prag, 2004.
Jörg Walter, Jörg Ontrup, Daniel Wessling, and Helge Ritter.
Interactive visualization and navigation in large data collections using the hyperbolic space.
(8 pages, PDF 1.7Mbytes)
In IEEE Int Conf Data Mining, ICDM'03, pages 355-362, Melbourne, Florida, USA, November 2003.
Jörg Walter and Helge Ritter.
On interactive visualization of high-dimensional data using the hyperbolic plane.
(10 pages, PDF)
In ACM SIGKDD Int. Conf. on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining,
pages 123-131. SigKDD, Edmonton, Canada, August 2002.
Bert Arnrich and Jörg Walter.
Lernen der visiomotorischen Kontrolle eines Robotergreifers mit Gaborfiltern.
In Fortschritt-Bericht VDI Informatik, editor,
Selbstorganisation von adaptivem Verhalten (SOAVE), volume 10/643, pages
135-144, 2000.
Jörg Walter, Claudia Nölker, and Helge Ritter.
The PSOM algorithm and applications.
(6 pages, PDF)
In Proc. Symp. Neural Computation, pages 758-764, 2000.
Jörg Walter and Bert Arnrich.
Gabor filters for object localization and robot grasping.
(4 pages, WalterArnrich00-icpr.pdf">PDF)
In Proc. Int. Conf. Pattern Recognition (ICPR, Barcelona, Spain),
volume 4, pages 124-127, 2000.
Jörg Walter, Bert Arnrich, and C. Scherring.
(6 pages, PDF)
Learning fine positioning of a robot manipulator based on Gabor wavelets.
In Proc. Int. Joint Conf Neural Networks (IJCNN Como, Italy),
volume 5, pages 137-142, 2000.
Dirk Schwammkrug, Jörg Walter, and Helge Ritter.
Rapid learning of robot grasping positions.
In Proc. 7th Int. Symp. Intelligent Robotic Sys (SIRS), pages
149-155, July 1999.
Jörg Walter.
Learning associative mappings from few examples.
(6 pages, 156 kbytes)
In Proc. European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks
(ESANN'98), pages 413-418, 1998.
Jörg Walter.
PSOM network: Learning with few examples.
(6 pages, PDF,
In Proc. Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation (ICRA-98), pages
2054-2059, 1998.
Ján Jockusch, Jörg Walter, and Helge Ritter.
A tactile sensor system for a three-fingered robot manipulator.
(6 pages, PDF)
In Proc. Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation (ICRA-97), pages
3080-3086, 1997.
Jörg Walter.
SORMA: Interoperating distributed robotics hardware.
(8 pages, PDF)
In Proc. Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation (ICRA-97), pages
3511-3518, 1997.
Jörg Walter and Helge Ritter.
Associative completion and investment learning using PSOMs.
(8 pages, PDF .)
In C. v.d. Malsburg, W. v. Seelen, J. Vorbrüggen, and
B. Sendhoff, editors, Artificial Neural Networks - Proc. Int. Conf.
ICANN 96, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1112, pages 157-164. Springer,
Jörg Walter and Helge Ritter.
Investment learning with hierarchical PSOM.
(8 pages, PDF .)
In D. Touretzky, M. Mozer, and M. Hasselmo, editors, Advances in
Neural Information Processing Systems 8 (NIPS*95), pages 570-576.
Bradford MIT Press, 1996.
Jörg Walter and Helge Ritter.
Local PSOMs and Chebyshev PSOMs - improving the parametrised self-organizing maps.
(12 pages, PDF .)
In Proc. Int. Conf. on Artificial Neural Networks (ICANN-95),
Paris, volume 1, pages 95-102, 1995.
Jörg Walter and Helge Ritter.
Experimental platform for visuo-motor control of a robot hand using neural networks.
In Mechatronical Computer Systems for Perception and Action,
pages 121-122, June 1993.
Halmstad, Sweden.
Enno Littmann, Andrea Meyering, Jörg Walter, Thomas Wengerek, and Helge Ritter.
Neural networks for robot hand control.
In M. van der Meer, editor, Statusseminar des BMFT
Neuroinformatik, pages 253-262. Deutsche Forschungsanstalt für Luft-
und Raumfahrt e.V., 1992.
Stanislav G. Berkovitch, Philippe Dalger, Ted Hesselroth, Thomas Martinetz, Benoit Noël, Jörg A. Walter, and Klaus Schulten.
Vector quantization algorithm for time series prediction and
visuo-motor control of robots.
Verteilte Künstliche Intelligenz und kooperatives Arbeiten,
291:443-447, 1991.
Jörg Walter, Thomas Martinetz, and Klaus Schulten.
Industrial robot learns visuo-motor coordination by means of the
``neural-gas'' network.
In Proc. Int. Conf. Artificial Neural Networks (ICANN), Espoo
Finland, volume 1, pages 357-364. Elsevier, New York, June 1991.
Jörg Walter, Helge Ritter, and Klaus Schulten.
Non-linear prediction with self-organizing maps.
(6 pages, PDF .)
In Int. Joint Conf. on Neural Networks (IJCNN), San Diego, CA,
pages 587-592, June 1990.
Jörg Walter and Helge Ritter.
Service Object Request Management Architecture: SORMA concepts and examples.
(44 pages, PDF .)
Technical Report SFB360-TR-96-3, Universität Bielefeld, D-33615
Bielefeld, 1996.
Jörg Walter and Helge Ritter.
The NI robotics laboratory.
(67 pages, PDF .)
Technical Report SFB360-TR-96-4, TF-AG-NI, Universität Bielefeld,
D-33615 Bielefeld, 1996.
Jörg Walter.
Visuo-motorische Koordination eines Industrieroboters und Vorhersage
chaotischer Zeitserien: Zwei Anwendungen selbstlernender neuronalen Algorithmen.
Diplomarbeit, Physik Department der Technische Universität
München, 114 pages 1991, PDF .
B. Arnrich, A. Albert, J.A. Walter, U. Rosendahl, and J. Ennker.
Data mart based risk stratification in heart surgery: comparison to a
prospective risk score validation.
In The Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgeon, volume Suppl. 1 of
54, page 113, 2006.
W. Hassanein, A.A. Albert, B. Arnrich, J.A. Walter, I.C. Ennker, U. Rosendahl,
S. Bauer, and J. Ennker.
Intraoperative transit time flow measurement: off-pump versus on-pump
coronary artery bypass.
The annals of thoracic surgery, 80(6):2155-2161, 2005.
Bert Arnrich, Alexander Albert, Jörg Walter, Frank Schön, Michael Rothe,
and Jürgen Ennker.
Oxygenator type and blood cell trauma in cardiac surgery.
In Proceedings of the 33. International Meeting of the German
Society for Cardiovascular Engineering, 2004.
A. Albert, C. Beller, B. Arnrich, J. Walter, U. Rosendahl, H. Priss, and J. Ennker.
Blood cell alterations before the onset of stroke: high granulocytes count as an independent risk factor for stroke after cardiac surgery,
2nd Asia Pacific Scientific Forum, Honolulu, 2003.
A. Albert, J. Walter, B. Arnrich, U. Rosendahl, W. Hassanein, S. Bauer, and J. Ennker.
Variable life adjusted displays (VLADs) with internal and external based predicted mortalities: a valuable method for benchmarking and early detection of unfavourable trends in cardiac surgery,
2nd EACTS/ESTS Joint Meeting, Wien, October 2003.
A. Lauruschkat, A. Albert, B. Arnrich, U. Rosendahl, J. Walter, and J. Ennker.
Diabetes Mellitus in der koronarchirurgie - Entwicklung eines Risikostratifizierungsmodells für eine besonders gefährdete patientengruppe.
In 38. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Diabetes-Gesellschaft,
Bremen, Mai 2003.
A. Mortasawi, B. Arnrich, J. Walter, A. Albert, U. Rosendahl, and J. Ennker.
Is it sensible to replace the serum creatinine in the euroscore by the creatinine clearance calculated by the cockcroft formula?
In Annual meeting of the society of cardiothoracic surgeons of
Great Britain and Ireland, Edinburgh, March 2003.
A. Mortasawi, B. Arnrich, U. Rosendahl, A. Albert, J. Walter, and J. Ennker.
Ist das Alter eine unabhängige Determinante der
Letalität in der chirurgischen Myokardrevaskularisation?
In Zeitschrift für Kardiologie, volume 25(S5), page 91,
A. Mortasawi, A. Albert, U. Rosendahl, J. Walter, B. Arnrich, and J. Ennker.
Predictive value of the EuroScore regarding the influence of age
on perioperative morbidity and mortality.
In The Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgeon, volume 50(S1),
page 32, 31. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Herz-, Thorax-
und Gefäßchirurgie, 17.-20. Februar, Leipzig 2002.
A. Albert, C. Beller, B. Arnrich, J. Walter, and J. Ennker.
Der EuroScore - eine Entscheidungshilfe bei der
Indikationsstellung herzchirurgischer Eingriffe?
In Zeitschrift für Kardiologie, volume 90:S5, page 212, 25.
Herbsttagung der deutschen Gesellschaft für Kardiologie-, Herz- und
Kreislaufforschung 27.-29. September, Ulm 2001.
A. Albert, B. Arnrich, U. Rosendahl, C. Beller, J. Walter, A. Mortasawi,
F. Dalladaku, and J. Ennker.
Comparison of cold hyperkalaemic blood vs. crystalloid (Kirsch)
cardioplegia in isolated coronary artery bypass grafting.
In 16th Annual meeting of the European Association for
cardio-thoracic surgery, 22.-25.09 Monaco 2002.
A. Albert, C. Beller, B. Arnrich, U. Rosendahl, J. Walter, and J. Ennker.
Determinants of stroke pattern in adult cardiac surgery. is there any
influence of the type of aortic end-hole cannula?
In EACTS/ESTS Joint Meeting, volume 484, page 191,
16-19.09.2001, Lisbon 2001.
Dr. habil Jörg Walter ©